Oklahoma Fried Onion Burger

This savory burger is a true delight for the taste buds, featuring a juicy beef patty topped with a generous amount of crispy fried onions. The onions are not just any ordinary topping – they are pressed right into the patty as it cooks, creating a flavorful and perfectly caramelized crust.

Every bite is a symphony of textures and flavors, with the sweetness of the onions complementing the savory beef patty beautifully. It’s a must-try for any burger enthusiast!

Ingredients Needed for This Recipe

  • 1 pound (450g) ground beef (80/20 blend is ideal for flavor and juiciness)
  • 2 large onions, thinly sliced
  • Salt and pepper, to taste
  • 4 slices of American cheese (optional)
  • 4 hamburger buns
  • Butter, for toasting the buns
  • Vegetable oil, for frying

Instructions for Making Oklahoma Fried Onion Burger

  1. Prep the Ingredients: Begin by thinly slicing the onions. The thinner they are, the better they will caramelize and meld with the burger. Season the ground beef with salt and pepper, and divide it into four equal portions, forming them into loose balls.
  2. Heat the Skillet: Place a large skillet or griddle over medium-high heat. Add a small amount of vegetable oil to coat the bottom. Allow it to get hot, which will help in creating a nice sear on the burgers.
  3. Cook the Onions: Place the thinly sliced onions in the skillet first, spreading them out into four separate piles. Then, place a ball of ground beef on top of each onion pile. Using a spatula, press down on each ball, flattening it into a patty and ensuring the onions are pressed into the ground beef. The idea is for the onions to cook and caramelize as the burger cooks, embedding into the patty itself.
  4. Flip the Burgers: After about 3-4 minutes, or once the bottom of the burgers has developed a nice crust, carefully flip each burger. The onions should now be on the bottom, frying and sticking to the patty. Season the cooked side with a little more salt and pepper.
  5. Add Cheese (Optional): If you’re using cheese, place a slice on each burger shortly after flipping. This allows the cheese to melt as the other side of the burger finishes cooking.
  6. Toast the Buns: While the burgers are cooking, butter the insides of your hamburger buns and place them on the skillet or griddle to toast. This should only take a minute or two, so keep an eye on them to prevent burning.
  7. Assemble the Burgers: Once the burgers are cooked to your liking and the cheese is melted, remove them from the skillet. Place each burger on a toasted bun and top with any additional toppings you might like, though traditionally, the focus is on the meat and onions.
  8. Serve: Serve your Oklahoma Fried Onion Burgers immediately while hot and juicy. Enjoy the melding of flavors between the savory beef, sweet and slightly charred onions, melted cheese, and the crisp buttered buns.

Tips for Perfecting the Recipe

Select the Right Beef: For the juiciest and most flavorful burgers, use ground beef with a fat content of around 20% (80/20). This blend provides enough fat to keep the burgers moist and flavorful without being overly greasy.

Onion Thickness: The key to the perfect fried onion burger is slicing the onions as thinly as possible. Thinly sliced onions will caramelize and cook more evenly, becoming a seamless part of the burger rather than a separate layer.

Don’t Overwork the Beef: When forming your beef balls, handle the meat as little as possible. Overworking the beef can lead to tough burgers. The looser the patty, the juicier it will be after cooking.

Use a Cast Iron Skillet or Griddle: For the best sear and heat distribution, cook your burgers on a cast iron skillet or griddle. These surfaces retain heat well and ensure a consistent cooking temperature.

Pressing the Patties: After placing the beef ball on the onions, press down firmly with a spatula to ensure the onions are embedded into the meat. This not only helps the onions to cook but also increases the surface area of the burger, creating more crispy edges.

Flipping the Burgers: Be patient and wait for the burger to develop a nice crust on the bottom before flipping it. This crust adds texture and flavor to the burger. Flip carefully to keep the onion layer intact.

Cheese Matters: If you opt to add cheese, American cheese melts the best, providing a creamy texture that complements the crispy onions and beef. However, feel free to experiment with other types of cheese according to your preference.

Resting the Burgers: Let the burgers rest for a couple of minutes after cooking. This allows the juices to redistribute throughout the patty, ensuring that your first bite is as juicy as the last.

Serving Suggestions

Classic Accompaniments: Serve the Oklahoma Fried Onion Burger with traditional sides like French fries, onion rings, or coleslaw. These sides complement the burger without overshadowing its flavors.

Pickles and Condiments: Offer a variety of pickles and condiments on the side. Dill pickles, mustard, ketchup, and mayonnaise allow guests to customize their burgers to their liking.

Upgrade Your Bun: Consider using brioche or potato rolls for a slightly sweeter and more buttery experience. Toasting the buns adds texture and prevents them from becoming soggy.

Add a Salad: For a lighter side, serve the burgers with a green salad dressed in a vinaigrette. The acidity of the dressing can help cut through the richness of the burger.

Beverage Pairings: Classic sodas, iced tea, or craft beers are great beverage options that complement the savory nature of the burger. For a non-alcoholic option, consider homemade lemonade or iced tea.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I make these burgers on a regular frying pan? Yes, you can make Oklahoma Fried Onion Burgers on a regular non-stick frying pan if you don’t have a cast-iron skillet or griddle. However, you might not achieve the same level of sear on the patties.

What can I use instead of beef? For a different twist on the traditional recipe, you could use ground turkey or chicken. Keep in mind that these meats are leaner than beef, so the cooking time and flavor will vary.

How can I prevent the burgers from falling apart when flipping? Make sure to press the onions into the beef firmly and wait until the first side is well-cooked and has developed a crust before flipping. Use a wide spatula to flip the burger, supporting as much of the patty and onions as possible.

Can I prepare the onions ahead of time? Yes, you can slice the onions ahead of time and store them in the refrigerator until you’re ready to cook. However, for the best results, fry them fresh so they retain their moisture and sweetness.

Is it possible to make these burgers on a grill? The Oklahoma Fried Onion Burger is traditionally cooked on a flat surface to ensure the onions and beef cook together properly. Cooking them on a grill might cause the onions to fall through the grates, but you could use a grill mat or skillet on the grill to achieve a similar effect.

How do I store and reheat leftovers? Store any leftover burgers in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to two days. Reheat them in a skillet over medium heat to recrisp the onions and warm the burger through. Microwaving is not recommended, as it can make the burger and onions soggy.

Can I make these burgers without onions? While onions are a key component of this recipe, you can omit them for a more traditional burger. However, you’ll miss out on the unique flavor and texture that the fried onions provide.

Oklahoma Fried Onion Burger

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The Oklahoma Fried Onion Burger is a classic American dish, originating from the state of Oklahoma during the Great Depression. It's a simple yet delicious hamburger that combines thinly sliced onions with ground beef, fried to perfection, resulting in a savory, juicy burger with a crispy onion crust.


  • 1 pound 450g ground beef (80/20 blend is ideal for flavor and juiciness)
  • 2 large onions thinly sliced
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • 4 slices of American cheese optional
  • 4 hamburger buns
  • Butter for toasting the buns
  • Vegetable oil for frying


  • Prep the Ingredients: Begin by thinly slicing the onions. The thinner they are, the better they will caramelize and meld with the burger. Season the ground beef with salt and pepper, and divide it into four equal portions, forming them into loose balls.
  • Heat the Skillet: Place a large skillet or griddle over medium-high heat. Add a small amount of vegetable oil to coat the bottom. Allow it to get hot, which will help in creating a nice sear on the burgers.
  • Cook the Onions: Place the thinly sliced onions in the skillet first, spreading them out into four separate piles. Then, place a ball of ground beef on top of each onion pile. Using a spatula, press down on each ball, flattening it into a patty and ensuring the onions are pressed into the ground beef. The idea is for the onions to cook and caramelize as the burger cooks, embedding into the patty itself.
  • Flip the Burgers: After about 3-4 minutes, or once the bottom of the burgers has developed a nice crust, carefully flip each burger. The onions should now be on the bottom, frying and sticking to the patty. Season the cooked side with a little more salt and pepper.
  • Add Cheese (Optional): If you’re using cheese, place a slice on each burger shortly after flipping. This allows the cheese to melt as the other side of the burger finishes cooking.
  • Toast the Buns: While the burgers are cooking, butter the insides of your hamburger buns and place them on the skillet or griddle to toast. This should only take a minute or two, so keep an eye on them to prevent burning.
  • Assemble the Burgers: Once the burgers are cooked to your liking and the cheese is melted, remove them from the skillet. Place each burger on a toasted bun and top with any additional toppings you might like, though traditionally, the focus is on the meat and onions.
  • Serve: Serve your Oklahoma Fried Onion Burgers immediately while hot and juicy. Enjoy the melding of flavors between the savory beef, sweet and slightly charred onions, melted cheese, and the crisp buttered buns.

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