White Chocolate Lemon Truffles

I’m thrilled to introduce you to a recipe for White Chocolate Lemon Truffles that’s sure to capture your heart. These delightful morsels are like miniature explosions of sunlight on your palate, ideal for brightening your day or dazzling your loved ones at any event.

Each truffle encapsulates the essence of joy and elegance, making them not just a treat, but a memorable experience. They’re a testament to the beauty of combining simple ingredients to create something truly magical.

Ingredients Needed for This Recipe

For this recipe, you’ll need to serve about 4-6 people, but trust me, you might want to double it because they’ll go fast!

  • 200g (about 7 oz) of high-quality white chocolate – Make sure it’s the good stuff because it really makes a difference in the taste.
  • 1/4 cup of heavy cream – This will give our truffles that creamy texture we’re after.
  • 2 tablespoons of unsalted butter – It adds richness to our truffles.
  • The zest of 1 large lemon – This is where that burst of sunshine comes from. The lemon zest gives the truffles a fresh, zesty flavor that’s hard to resist.
  • 1 teaspoon of lemon extract – To intensify the lemon flavor.
  • A pinch of salt – Just a pinch to balance the sweetness.
  • Powdered sugar for coating – This will give our truffles a lovely finish and a little extra sweetness.

For step-by-step instructions on making this White Chocolate Lemon Truffles please open the next page…

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